Monday, October 3, 2011

The God of Mission has a Church in the World


  1. Hey guys im behind schedule so im just going through chapter 1 tonight and i was curious what answers some of you had for the last question on page 15?

  2. The question for anyone reading this who doesn't have the workbook was in reference to Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Q - What do you think are some of the implications of Jesus' statement for your short-term mission service?

    Thanks Adam for trying to get some dialogue going! I won't answer directly (yet), but will provide a quote to try to pry some of those hesitant fingers onto the keyboard!!

    Charles Finney said this in reference to the kingdom of God: "In the hearts of men He writes His laws by His spirit and thus rules over them to deliver them from Satan & sin, and translate them into His own kingdom of peace & love."

  3. Well, no loosened fingers yet, so here's my thoughts. Matt 6:33 comes at the end of a passage that is contextually dealing with the anxiety in the disciples regarding their lives. Multiple times leading up to the verse Jesus is telling his followers not to be anxious - about what you eat, what you drink, about your body, what you wear. Worrying can't add a day to your life etc. then seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. God is aware of what you need (not what you want - but what you need). I think the obvious application for us is to the details of the mission.
    Implication for this missions trip: Ditch your anxiety. God is aware of our needs. Be good stewards and plan but do it without anxiety. Seeking his kingdom, amongst other things involves acknowledging, believing and behaving like you have a king.

    Now I don't know if that is where Dearborn wanted his question to go but that is the scripture he chose. If he was trying to generate interesting discussion concerning missions and the kingdom he might have tried some of the interesting work of the Holy Spirit in directing Paul's mission field like Acts 16:6 18:9-10

    There are lots of great articles and books written on the kingdom of God. One of the most exciting thoughts is that the kingdom is both present and future. We see small glimpses of the future glorious kingdom in our present everyday through the works of the Holy Spirit and God's providence for believers.

  4. Well my thinking in this, is that the Kingdom has a King.
    Listen to and obey the King, he is a person with an invested Interest in our lives.
    Let's show an invested interest in His Life...toward others, relying on His supply
    His foreknowledge of our circumstances, needs desires for us and others involved .
